Jackie Levine, head of Television and Film at Audible, analyzes the role of audio in the entertainment world.

What excites you about your position at Audible as it relates to the future of this industry?
Jackie Levine: With the explosion of audio in the entertainment world, I’m excited about the exchange of ideas between audio, TV and film.
My initiatives at Audible give fans the opportunity not just to listen to, but also see original and classic stories come to life in new ways. We’ve become a destination for creators to expand their stories in so many ways and create franchises that start in audio.
What are the biggest trends impacting the community/industry right now?
Finding and originating breakthrough content with the vast number of great shows, movies, and podcasts at our consumer’s fingertips. Socially relevant, high-concept (and/or based on IP) content is currently trending.
What challenges does the community need to overcome because of these trends?
We need to continue to strive to find high-concept projects and ideas to embrace the needs/desires of the consumer and make the highest quality material possible.
How can we entertain AND make it meaningful? Some of what is performing well right now in-marketplace is a way to escape, for hopeful outcomes, and wins.

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What’s one thing you wish more media pros knew about?
I wish more media professionals would prioritize quality writers to trust they will deliver. There are so many steps and assurances needed as the media business becomes more and more condensed, which can result in selection decisions to be more fear-based.
Encouraging experienced writers and producers to do what they are great at without second guessing them could help all of us to successfully create more commercial and quality material.