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Learn what the Ultra HD Forum is and what it does, and get up to speed with what’s happening in the global Ultra HD industry. Join some of the Forum’s experts for this no-nonsense deep dive into the deployment success so far as well as the current challenges being addressed. This fast-paced session will feature several global speakers.
Did you know that there are nearly 200 commercial Ultra HD services already being offered around the world? Learn what and where they are as well as the providers behind them.

Get the latest on the new efforts to preserve the experience across the delivery chain: We’ll go glass-to-glass (camera to consumer screen). Learn from those leading the industry about what Next-Gen audio is becoming and how it is a valuable part Ultra HD.
Forum interop specialists will also cover the challenges of understanding the Ultra HD capabilities of the myriad of OTT devices on the market. Learn why the Forum has just released the Watermarking API for premium content protection, and catch up with the state of ATSC 3.0 deployment enabling Ultra HD services in the USA.