BEIT Online 2021: Papers from the 75th NAB Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference

Papers from the 75th annual NAB Broadcast Engineering & IT (BEIT) Conference are now available for purchase online as video-on-demand (VOD) presentations in BEIT Online 2021, exclusively here on NAB Amplify. Included with the purchase of the BEIT Online 2021 Pass are the 2021 NAB BEIT Conference Proceedings and a substantial discount on the 2022 BEIT Conference at NAB Show.

NAB Members are entitled to a discount of $300 off the $399 cost, or a price of $99. Promo code required to receive NAB Member discount. Need the code? Please contact NAB Member Services for assistance.

Anyone else can use the code beit2150 to receive a discount of $200 off the $399 cost, or a price of $199.

The BEIT Conference is a renowned program designed for broadcast engineers and technicians, media technology managers, contract engineers, broadcast equipment manufacturers, distributors, engineering consultants and R&D engineers. Technical presentations consider pressing issues facing today’s media professionals, including the ongoing transition to IT- and IP-based systems and incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Emphasis on next-generation systems throughout the media-delivery ecosystem provides the conference with a decidedly forward-looking focus.

More Information

BEIT Online 2021 will remain available until the start of the 2022 NAB Show on April 23.

Access information for The 2021 NAB BEIT Conference Proceedings will be sent via email to BEIT Online 2021 pass-holders’ inboxes.

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Video On-Demand

BEIT Online 2021 Pass

BEIT Online 2021 will remain available until the start of the 2022 NAB Show on April 23. Access information for The 2021 NAB BEIT Conference Proceedings will be sent via email to BEIT Online 2021 pass-holders’ inboxes. NAB Members are entitled to a discount of $300 off the $399 cost, or a price of $99. Promo code required to receive NAB Member discount. Need the code? Please contact NAB Member Services for assistance. Anyone else can use the code beit2150 to receive a discount of $200 off the $399 cost, or a price of $199.


AI and Cloud Technologies for Broadcasting

Presenting papers on broadcast applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and Cloud technologies for broadcast applications.

Preview Image for AI-powered Per-title Encoding

AI-powered Per-title Encoding

Video streaming content differs in terms of complexity and requires title-specific encoding settings in order to achieve a certain visual quality. As such, a per-title encoding solution was developed in […]
Anita Chen
Preview Image for Handling Event-based Frame Rate Conversion in OTT Streaming Services

Handling Event-based Frame Rate Conversion in OTT Streaming Services

Our customer is a global over-the-top sports subscription video streaming service. The service carries live and on-demand streaming of events from various countries as well as original programming. The customer’s […]
Paola Hobson
Preview Image for Cloud Live Production: The New Resource Perspectives for Media Tech Broadcasters – A Case Study

Cloud Live Production: The New Resource Perspectives for Media Tech Broadcasters – A Case Study

Globo was a traditional company of content production and distribution on broadcast market (OTA, PayTV and OTT) and nowadays is an example of mediatech company. In this transformation process, it is […]
Carlos Cesar Abrahão
Preview Image for ColorNet 1.5: Improving Machine Learning Color Correction for Video

ColorNet 1.5: Improving Machine Learning Color Correction for Video

In live sporting events, varied lighting and weather conditions combined with display and camera gamut differences prevent the application of traditional approaches for managing the representation of brand colors on […]
Erica Walker
And more
Preview Image for How to Maximize Hybrid Cloud Capabilities for the “New Normal”

How to Maximize Hybrid Cloud Capabilities for the “New Normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many processes that normally would have taken years to mature. The near-global lockdown forced entire companies to adjust overnight to a new work paradigm that […]
Headshot Julián Fernández-Campón, CTO, Tedial Julian Fernandez-Campon
Preview Image for Is Cloud Technology There Yet?

Is Cloud Technology There Yet?

* Winner: 2021 BEIT Conference Best Paper Award * An uncertain and changing landscape has forced broadcasters to wonder if their operations are ready for the cloud, or if the […]
Peter Wharton
Preview Image for Practical AI Encoding with MediaKind

Practical AI Encoding with MediaKind

Today’s media landscape must serve a broader range of media platforms and consumption models than ever before. Broadcasters and content owners require workflows that allow them to flex their offerings […]
Richard Fliam
Preview Image for Software Encoder Creates Forward Momentum for the Industry, Part II

Software Encoder Creates Forward Momentum for the Industry, Part II

As discussed in last year’s paper, broadcast equipment manufacturers have been making strides in simplifying facility infrastructure and preparing for the day when broadcast operations become less of a capital […]
Nick Mannion
And more
Preview Image for The Importance of Remote Access, Virtualization, and Hybrid Cloud for Live and Post Production

The Importance of Remote Access, Virtualization, and Hybrid Cloud for Live and Post Production

As virtualization and GPU technologies evolve, the Media & Entertainment industry is discovering that adopting a remote access strategy with a hybrid cloud approach is a strategic imperative. In this […]
Karen Gondoly
Preview Image for Augmented Intelligence with IBM Aspera Orchestrator

Augmented Intelligence with IBM Aspera Orchestrator

Managing video content libraries is an evolving challenge facing everyone in the media and entertainment industry. Media organizations must efficiently manage content libraries that are growing faster than ever before and are looking to adopt cloud computing […]
Andrea Di Muzio
Preview Image for Live Video Transport on the Cloud with JPEG XS and CDI

Live Video Transport on the Cloud with JPEG XS and CDI

Media companies are used to high quality, low latency IP transport of live video using JPEG 2000 compression for WAN transport, and ST 2110-20 uncompressed video transport within the broadcast […]
Thomas Edwards

Next Gen TV Technologies

Presenting papers on device interoperability and broadcast/broadband convergence, maximizing RF coverage of ATSC 3.0 transmissions, optimal deployment strategies and tactics, datacasting (“Broadcast Internet”) applications, and Next Gen Audio (NGA) systems.

Preview Image for A Triple-layer Strategy for Ensuring High-Quality ATSC 3.0 Service

A Triple-layer Strategy for Ensuring High-Quality ATSC 3.0 Service

As the broadcast industry moves to adopt ATSC 3.0, new challenges are emerging for ensuring robust and reliable service. Many industry trends are driving this, creating an operating environment that […]
Mark Corl
Preview Image for Delivering “Broadcast Internet” Services with ATSC 3.0

Delivering “Broadcast Internet” Services with ATSC 3.0

Next Gen TV brings the prospect of fulfilling the vision of "Broadcast Internet" services, and reaching consumers in a way that can complement, and even surpass, cellular service. One hurdle that must […]
Aldo Cugnini
And more
Preview Image for Mobile ATSC 3.0 Measurements and Coverage Studies

Mobile ATSC 3.0 Measurements and Coverage Studies

Since the ATSC 3.0 is a OFDM based modulation which allows for mobile reception, it is now possible to measure the performance of the channel in mobile reception. But the […]
Francois Gauthier
Preview Image for ATSC 3.0 Statistical Multiplexing – the Journey Continues

ATSC 3.0 Statistical Multiplexing – the Journey Continues

The first phase of ATSC channel sharing has been largely managed through cooperative agreements, in combination with standard compression technology updates. It is during this phase that statistical multiplexing can […]
Jovo Miskin
Preview Image for Benefits and Limitations of the Updated FCC DTS / SFN Licensing Rules

Benefits and Limitations of the Updated FCC DTS / SFN Licensing Rules

In January, 2021, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission adopted modifications to the rules governing the design of Distributed Transmission Systems (DTSs), also known as Single Frequency Networks (SFNs).  The objectives […]
S Merrill Weiss
Preview Image for Broadcast Positioning System (BPS) Using ATSC 3.0

Broadcast Positioning System (BPS) Using ATSC 3.0

We propose a broadcast positioning system (BPS) using ATSC 3.0 signal. Each TV tower will broadcast its own location and bootstrap signal emission time. ATSC 3.0 capable receivers will compute […]
Tariq Mondal
And more
Preview Image for Conformance and Interoperability in ATSC 3.0: Achieving the Promise of Next Gen TV

Conformance and Interoperability in ATSC 3.0: Achieving the Promise of Next Gen TV

In this presentation, Dr Bob Campbell, Chair of ATSC's Conformance Implementation Team, will describe the elements of a succesful conformance and interoperability testing program, the process by which the NEXTGEN […]
Bob Campbell
Preview Image for Ensuring Quality of Service with Next Gen TV “Lighthouse”

Ensuring Quality of Service with Next Gen TV “Lighthouse”

In a modern broadcast and broadband video delivery environment, viewers always expect better quality and availability. Next Gen TV as defined in the ATSC 3.0 standard brings UHD image quality […]
Laurent Roul
And more
Preview Image for First Live Production and Transmission of Immersive Audio on Commercial OTA Digital Television in Latin America

First Live Production and Transmission of Immersive Audio on Commercial OTA Digital Television in Latin America

Since 2017 Globo has been testing and evaluating Immersive Audio Systems to use Over the Air, on Pay TV and in streaming services, to increase the user experience of our viewers […]
Helio Kuwabara
And more
Preview Image for Broadcast-Broadband Convergence B²C Lab – Humber College, Toronto, Canada

Broadcast-Broadband Convergence B²C Lab – Humber College, Toronto, Canada

Humber College is leading the way towards the development of Canada’s first Broadcast-Broadband Convergence (B2C) Lab to explore multisectoral data delivery applications enabled by the new Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 television broadcast […]
Orest Sushko
Preview Image for Next-Generation Audio Console Supporting the Serial-Audio Definition Model (S-ADM) for Live Production of Immersive and Personalized Sound

Next-Generation Audio Console Supporting the Serial-Audio Definition Model (S-ADM) for Live Production of Immersive and Personalized Sound

Next-Generation Audio (NGA) delivers immersive and personalized sound experiences by providing various audio objects including multilingual speech, audio description and high-presence audio with the addition of a sense of height […]
Hiroki Kubo
Preview Image for Potential and Practicality of ATSC 3.0 Hybrid Broadcast/Broadband Integration

Potential and Practicality of ATSC 3.0 Hybrid Broadcast/Broadband Integration

One of the many benefits of ATSC 3.0 implementation is the potential integration of broadband and broadcast streams for delivering hybrid or enhanced services. A compelling use case is over-the-air […]
Lynn Claudy
And more
Preview Image for Technical Optimization and Efficiencies for a Post-transition ATSC-3.0 SFN Environment

Technical Optimization and Efficiencies for a Post-transition ATSC-3.0 SFN Environment

This paper will identify the potential engineering and financial tradeoffs when considering Single Frequency Networks (SFNs) in a post-ATSC 3.0 transition environment. ATSC 3.0 was designed with flexibility in mind that […]
Eric Dausman
Preview Image for Advanced Audio Features in ATSC 3.0

Advanced Audio Features in ATSC 3.0

ATSC 3.0 supports many advanced features and new technologies. This session will cover the audio systems and advanced audio features used in ATSC 3.0, including immersive audio and personalized audio. Practical […]
Larry Schindel

OTT TV Technologies

Presenting papers on Over-the-Top (OTT) television technologies.

Preview Image for From Start Up to Digital Distribution Powerhouse: Case Study on Migo’s Content Management and Delivery for Emerging Markets

From Start Up to Digital Distribution Powerhouse: Case Study on Migo’s Content Management and Delivery for Emerging Markets

Migo is a disruptive digital distribution service designed for emerging economies and mass markets. Bridging the digital divide for billions of consumers, the service offers content for download over local […]
Barrett Comiskey
Preview Image for Improving the Video Headend Infrastructure With DASH-IF’s CMAF Ingest

Improving the Video Headend Infrastructure With DASH-IF’s CMAF Ingest

CMAF is increasingly popular for large-scale delivery to OTT (Over The Top) clients using MPEG-DASH or HTTP Live Streaming. Moreover, using CMAF as an exchange format upstream in the distribution […]
Mickael Raulet
Preview Image for OTT: Local Ingest at the Edge

OTT: Local Ingest at the Edge

The inclusion of localized channels and content from a demarcation point has quickly become a must have for over-the-top (OTT) and internet protocol television (IPTV) services to succeed in the […]
Ronald Alterio
Preview Image for Performance Evaluation of Low-Latency DASH/CMAF and Low-Latency HLS systems

Performance Evaluation of Low-Latency DASH/CMAF and Low-Latency HLS systems

We perform a detailed analysis of the capabilities and performance of two major variants of today’s low-latency streaming systems: Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) and Low-Latency DASH (LL-DASH). The latter is sometimes […]
Yuriy Reznik
Preview Image for State-of-the-art Multiview Experiences for Sports Fans

State-of-the-art Multiview Experiences for Sports Fans

Multiview has been deployed for many years in sports applications, either for multigame or multicam purposes. While the technology was initially used in broadcasting, multiview more recently made its debut […]
Thierry Fautier


Conversations with expert panelists on a variety of technical topics.

Preview Image for ATSC 3.0 Advanced Emergency Alerting and Information (AEA&I)

ATSC 3.0 Advanced Emergency Alerting and Information (AEA&I)

The technology for Next Gen TV AEA&I is being developed by a new association called the NextGen Video Information Systems Alliance (NVISA). By combining the resources of local TV news departments with […]
Fred Baumgartner
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Preview Image for Digital Spectrum Sharing (DSS) and Next Gen TV

Digital Spectrum Sharing (DSS) and Next Gen TV

This session covers the following topics: The origins and development of the current ecosystem of TV distribution, including Broadcast TV, Cable TV, OTT TV, Mobile TV as well as the underlying networks […]
Lynn Rowe
And more
Preview Image for Distance Learning Opportunities with Next Gen TV

Distance Learning Opportunities with Next Gen TV

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, broadcasters immediately began collaborating with technology and service providers to create services to support at-home learners in areas without functional broadband access.   The presentation […]
Mark O'Brien
And more
Preview Image for Live, Remote and Mobile: Production Challenges and Innovations in 2021

Live, Remote and Mobile: Production Challenges and Innovations in 2021

Over the last 12 months the production industry has experienced some of the greatest challenges and opportunities in the history of Media & Entertainment.  At the beginning of 2020 nobody […]
Mark Chiolis
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Preview Image for Live Sports & Entertainment Production Lessons Learned While Building Multiple IP Mobile Units and Cloud Control Facilities

Live Sports & Entertainment Production Lessons Learned While Building Multiple IP Mobile Units and Cloud Control Facilities

Mobile TV Group has been building mobile units for more than 25 years, including the first HD trucks for HDNET which led the HD delivery of programs at that time.  […]
Linda Rosner
And more

Radio Broadcasting Technologies

Presenting papers on Hybrid broadcast/broadband, All-digital Radio, streaming Radio services and other emerging Radio technologies.

Preview Image for Analytics for Broadcast Radio – Standards for Hybrid Radio

Analytics for Broadcast Radio – Standards for Hybrid Radio

Connected vehicles already provide telemetry to manufacturers, and could also send back information on the use of broadcast radio, including the station being listened to, the start and stop times of the listening […]
Nick Piggott
Preview Image for Incorporating a Supplemental Program Service (SPS) Channel into MA3 Transmissions

Incorporating a Supplemental Program Service (SPS) Channel into MA3 Transmissions

On July 16, 2018, WWFD (820 kHz, Frederick MD) commenced operations as the first AM broadcast station to transmit using the HD Radio MA3 all-digital AM mode full-time. The recent adoption of […]
David Kolesar
And more
Preview Image for Getting Streams Cloud-Ready and CDN Compatible: Politics and Protocols

Getting Streams Cloud-Ready and CDN Compatible: Politics and Protocols

Format standards are lacking for getting audio streams and metadata cloud-ready and onto a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Wheatstone Development Engineer Rick Bidlack goes over the format differences in the […]
Rick Bidlack
Preview Image for Reception of All-digital AM Radio in Electric Vehicles

Reception of All-digital AM Radio in Electric Vehicles

As the world's automakers expand their all-electric vehicle offerings, a trend has been observed where some brands are removing AM radio as an option because of the interference generated by […]
Pooja Nair
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Preview Image for The Use of Computer Simulation for Directional FM Pattern Studies

The Use of Computer Simulation for Directional FM Pattern Studies

There are approximately 900 class A directional FM stations currently licensed in the United States. Many reasons exist to directionalize an FM antenna including maximizing signal coverage over a designated market […]
John Schadler