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The Case for Digital Humans (966)

Jeff Taylor

TechCrunch -- Senior Global Brand Partnerships

Will Driscoll

Wild Capture -- Co-Founder and CEO

Fay Wells

Soul Machines -- Head of Partner Marketing

Jay WIlliams


Join industry experts as they discuss the current and future impact of digital humans on the future of entertainment and media. Through a combination of cutting-edge conversational AI (supported by specific GPU features) and new creation platforms, digital humans are revolutionizing the way stories are told and experiences are created by enabling the emergence of new platforms. This panel will delve into the technological advancements, new revenue streams and net new market value that have made digital humans a viable asset for storytellers. They’ll share how they are being utilized across various platforms such as tier 1 film projects, sports, fashion, gaming, virtual production environments, and new immersive experiences and how their powerful connection with Gen Z will build new audience demographics for any content property.


  • Moderator Jeff Taylor, Senior Global Brand Partnerships, TechCrunch
  • Will Driscoll, Co-Founder and CEO, Wild Capture
  • Fay Wells, Head of Partner Marketing, Soul Machines
  • Jay Williams, Consultant